The Dorn Therapy is a gentle, manual technique, which removes blockages of the spine and resets every joint quick and long-term.
The Dorn Therapy on the horse is a gentle, safe and effective physical therapy to rebalance the joints and spine. It puts the horses whole skeleton into its squared, structurally balanced stance and thus allows proper use of the body and gait which optimizes performance.
Slow motions of the joints and spine are used, which dissolves blockages thereof in a very gentle way. It is the only therapy that includes leg length differences. This and pelvic obliquity are being corrected as well as every joint put back into place.
The Dorn Therapy is the only physical therapy where the length of the legs are taken into consideration and evened out. This is one of the reasons why it is so successful with long-term results. No need for a visit every month!
By aligning the pelvis and "resetting" all the joints of the legs we achieve a healthy realignment of the correct body balance. This is the basic for the success of the Dorn Therapy. If the pelvis, legs and shoulder are not straight aligned it can not build a stable base thus blockages of the spine or joints can occur.
For both, the HORSE and RIDER. Indeed, it is important that both get "dorned" as not to cause the partner any imbalance.
Susanne is board certified as Holistic Health Practitioner by the National Association of Holistic Health Practitioners and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
Only a sound horse can perform at his best, be it in the show ring our out on the trails. Pain, Blockages and/or tension in the body reduce the ability for top performance.
All the therapies I am providing aim to support the achievement of the best performance of your horse or to re-gain such. My sessions are custom tailored to YOUR horse - no one shoe fits all! and the WHOLE horse is taking into consideration.
phone 613 331 1868 or email [email protected]
Certified and insured! Continuous Education! Mobile Service!
Acupressure, DORN Therapy, LLLT Cold Laser Therapy, EQUI-K-Taping, LED Red Light Therapies and K-Taping, are all gentle therapies, aiding to the well being of people or horses. Whether for every day life or as preparation / post performance for the athlete showing in Dressage, Jumping, Eventing, Driving, Racing , all Western Disciplines any of the four above mentioned therapies will enhance your and/or your equine partners life. The purpose of any of these therapies is to optimize / restore health.
Above therapies are NOT meant to replace care of a Veterinarian.
By aligning the pelvis and "resetting" all the joints of the legs we achieve a healthy realignment of the correct body balance. This is the basic for the success of the Dorn Therapy. If the pelvis, legs and shoulder are not straight aligned it can not build a stable base thus blockages of the spine or joints can occur.
For both, the HORSE and RIDER. Indeed, it is important that both get "dorned" as not to cause the partner any imbalance.
Susanne is board certified as Holistic Health Practitioner by the National Association of Holistic Health Practitioners and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
Only a sound horse can perform at his best, be it in the show ring our out on the trails. Pain, Blockages and/or tension in the body reduce the ability for top performance.
All the therapies I am providing aim to support the achievement of the best performance of your horse or to re-gain such. My sessions are custom tailored to YOUR horse - no one shoe fits all! and the WHOLE horse is taking into consideration.
phone 613 331 1868 or email [email protected]
Certified and insured! Continuous Education! Mobile Service!
Acupressure, DORN Therapy, LLLT Cold Laser Therapy, EQUI-K-Taping, LED Red Light Therapies and K-Taping, are all gentle therapies, aiding to the well being of people or horses. Whether for every day life or as preparation / post performance for the athlete showing in Dressage, Jumping, Eventing, Driving, Racing , all Western Disciplines any of the four above mentioned therapies will enhance your and/or your equine partners life. The purpose of any of these therapies is to optimize / restore health.
Above therapies are NOT meant to replace care of a Veterinarian.